people & performance
Due diligence
Our People & Performance Due Diligence is aimed at investment funds and investment banks or family offices during their due diligence to cover the People aspect with as much rigor as the finance or legal aspect. 80% of company burn is due to people. It is our focus to provide you all the data you need to avoid such loss.
derisking your investments through human factor.
We are at their side to optimize their investment choices and the success of their participations.
This method is based on the fundamental notions of Funnel and Mechanics, with a holistic approach to the organization on the People level. It has the virtue of making all facets of an organization efficient, with immediate clarity of performance levels.
Our People & Performance Due Diligence is an intense 1-day workshop.
Prior to that, we create a data room with documents prerequisites for a first deep analysis. We make it our mission to understand the current situation and future goals of the company. We challenge their vision, strategy, governance, organization, performance management, department funnels ... with the provided business plan.
Our workshop in Due Diligence helps by offering to the investor a strong image of the People & Performance asset and challenges in situ
- We deliver a pragmatic analyse of the targeted company thanks to 10 years of experience analysing business success according to people & performance.
- Optional : 3 month long accompaniment as your People & Performance external operating partner to ensure organizational success of your portfolio.
- Direct contact with our Founder and our CEO for all issues and concerns - One WhatsApp away
get in touch
Whether you’re looking for your next adventure or in need of critical talents in your structure, High Flyers has a solution for you.